Section 48 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) (CCA) prohibits conduct known as resale price maintenance.
Resale price maintenance occurs where a supplier of goods or services insists that a reseller of those goods or services sells them at, or above a specified minimum price. The prohibition is on setting a minimum, or floor price above which a reseller must sell. The setting of a maximum price or a recommended price is permissible but great care must be taken to ensure that the maximum or recommended prices are not, in fact, the only price, or understood by the reseller as the only price at which goods or services must be sold. If that is the case, the price will be both a maximum and a minimum price and the prohibition will be triggered.
While s 48 contains the prohibition it is Pt VIII of the CCA which contains the provisions for the operation of s 48 . Section 48 must be read in conjunction with Pt VIII .
The prohibition is relevant to any relationship in which there is supply of goods and services by one party to another for resale purposes. This includes relationships between wholesaler and retailer, wholesaler and distributor, distributor and retailer.
The prohibition in s 48 is absolute, regardless of whether it has the purpose, or has or is likely to have the effect of substantially lessening competition in a relevant market. While resale price maintenance is absolutely prohibited, s 88 of the CCA empowers the ACCC to authorise such conduct where it is satisfied that the anti-competitive detriment of the conduct is outweighed by its public benefits.
See The general prohibition.