Tim Somerville, Founding Partner, Somerville Legal, Solicitors & Notaries
Geoff Rees, Director and Fiona Newton, Solicitor, JRT Partnership Pty Ltd (Vic)
Currently updated by Roger Wade, Director, WadeLegal (Qld)
Originally authored by Warren Wackerling, Senior Associate, Holman Webb (Qld)
Currently updated by Eric Ross-Adjie, Principal and Andrea Keri, Principal, Warren Syminton Ralph (WA)
Originally authored by Eric Ross-Adjie, Partner and Christopher Hall, Solicitor, Karp Steedman Ross-Adjie, Lawyers (WA)
Martin Lovell, Director, Laity Morrow (SA)
Tim Tierney, Principal, Tierney Law (Tas)
Currently updated by Lyn Bennett, Consultant, Minter Ellison (NT)
Originally authored by Leon Loganathan, Managing Partner; Emma Farnell, Lawyer, and Billy Tarrillo, Lawyer, Ward Keller Lawyers (NT)
Currently updated by Alice Tay, Partner, Meyer Vandenberg Lawyers (ACT)
Originally authored by Alice Tay, Partner and Eve Martin, Associate, Meyer Vandenberg Lawyers (ACT)
Avoiding and resolving disputes
For the benefit of your clients, you should attempt to avoid disputes arising in a sale of business transaction. Common causes of dispute are:
Client expectations
Many clients believe that a sale of business should be quick, easy and cheap. When reality sets in, the client may blame the other side or their advisors. To short-circuit this, clients should be given realistic advice at the outset.
Where communication between the parties is via a business agent, misunderstanding may arise. Direct discussions between the vendor and the purchaser can often overcome these problems.
Disputes between exchange and settlement
Once contracts are exchanged, disputes which cannot be resolved may end up in court. This possibility can be reduced by minimizing the period between exchange and settlement.
Dispute resolution clauses
Expert determination
It is a good idea to include provisions in contracts to refer specified types of disputes for determination by an independent person with expertise in that field. This involves submitting documents to the expert, who makes a decision without any meetings or hearings. This provides a quick, inexpensive resolution of such disputes.
Clauses in some precedent documents require the parties to follow a procedure, including meetings of executives, prior to taking any other step to resolve a dispute. If a party will not attend a meeting without contractual compulsion, the meeting is probably doomed to failure. Accordingly, such provisions are usually a waste of time and money except as a guide to parties to adopt sound process.
See Avoiding and resolving disputes.
Mediation and arbitration
If both parties in the mediation process wish to resolve a dispute, a settlement will usually emerge. This typically involves:
Mediation agreement
This is provided by the mediator, and covers the mediator’s fees and the confidentiality of the mediation process.
Position papers
Each party provides a short statement of their position on the dispute.
Opening meeting
On the day of the mediation, the mediator sets the scene by pointing out the advantages of reaching an agreement, and getting the parties to state their positions.
Shuttle diplomacy
Immediately following the opening of the meeting, each side goes into separate rooms, and the mediator shuttles between them, encouraging and conveying offers to move towards settlement with or without joining meetings to supplement the shuttles.
If the parties reach an accord, the accord is documented to bind the parties as an agreement.
This involves an arbitrator imposing his or her determination on the parties. The steps are:
Arbitration agreement
The arbitrator provides an agreement covering the arbitrator’s fees, the procedure, and that the arbitrator’s decision will be binding.
Preliminary hearing
This is a meeting (or meetings) to lay down the procedure and fix an arbitration date.
Preparation of documents
The parties are required to submit a series of documents similar to court pleadings.
An arbitration hearing is conducted, following procedure very similar to a court.
Costs are incurred and awarded by the arbitrator in the same way as a court case. However, the parties have the added burden of paying the arbitrator, and paying for the room and facilities.
An arbitration can be concluded within a few months, which can be faster than a court case.
Choosing the mediator or arbitrator
If the parties cannot agree as to who should act as mediator or arbitrator, there are several organizations which provide this service including:
See Mediation and arbitration.